A Christ-Centered Recovery Workbook

Shame and guilt are what power the addiction cycle.

Learn how God’s forgiveness breaks us free.

Why Read Resilient Recovery


Some recovery workbooks offer a mash-up of Christianity and pop psychology. Perhaps they throw in a dash of New Age, too. Resilient Recovery is built on historical Christianity and offers a solid spiritual meal to those hungry to know Christ better.


The Resilient Recovery workbook will guide you through the ancient practice of confession and forgiveness. You’ll begin to see how confession and forgiveness are both essential for living a life free from addiction.


Reading the Bible won’t be an academic exercise any more. You will experience God’s work in your life. And that experience will build your faith in God. Increasingly, you’ll find yourself trusting in Christ’s works, not in your own.


Shame and guilt make us miserable

Confession and forgiveness give us hope and motivation

What People Are Saying


“I don't even know where to begin. This book points me toward God's love and forgiveness regarding the temptations and horrors of sin and helps me to want to love God back.”

-Amazon Reviewer “Mr. Hosen”


“Thanks for such a great contribution to the recovery community. The Law and Gospel template is such a wonderful tool for those in need of help and healing.”

— Amazon Reviewer “LBH”


“We all make mistakes and can get stuck in patterns of behavior that are unhealthy. No matter who we are, we all need to be reminded of God’s love and grace. This book supports participants through the law and gospel.”

— Amazon Reviewer “Judy”


“Can't recommend enough as a short reminder to ministry leaders and those they serve that they can Rest in God's Grace, that He has the power to help them, and that they are loved, in each moment of their life and recovery. Their recovery could be from substances, or just from the effects of a particular sin or cycle of sins. We all need recovery”

— Amazon Reviewer “Anna”