Comprehensive List of Addiction Resources for Lutheran Pastors and Chaplains, and Other Christians
General Resources regarding mental health and addiction from the WELS
The WELS Mental Health Needs committee offers some excellent brochures that you should be aware of. Navigate to to access the following brochures:
Ask a Therapist - This flyer gives you important questions to ask counselors when you seek counseling and don’t have access to WELS counselors.
Christian or Non-Christian Counselor - This flyer outlines potential concerns when a counselor is not a Christian or is a Christian but not of your faith.
Therapy Models - This pamphlet helps you sort out psychological terms and distinguish between different counseling processes. Many of these models are also used in counseling those with addictions.
When to Refer - This flyer is written to help pastors determine when a member is in need of other forms of counseling in addition to the spiritual counseling he offers.
Video Resources
The Recovery Friendly Church - This MUST-SEE video is at the same time concise and profound. There is an interview and downloadable viewers’ discussion guide. DO NOT miss this resource!
A Christian View of Addiction - This video explains the philosophy behind the two most common secular explanations of addiction—and offers a uniquely Christian counterpoint to them. It’s one of my most popular videos.
Why do People Relapse - This video is an animation featuring author and Stanford Psychiatry Professor, Anna Lembke. Addicts I’ve shown this to find it accurate and helpful. You can watch the full interview here.
Recovery Retreat Presentations - These are videos of various individuals in the WELS discussing issues of addiction and recovery.
My Reaction Videos - These are videos in which I react to experts’ videos and provide my Christian and professional perspective.
Jordan Peterson Animation - In this video, Jordan Peterson explains why it is so hard to quit drinking.
Is Addiction a Disease or a Learned Behavior? - This animated video explores the ideas of Neuro-scientist and former addict, Marc Lewis.
Is Addiction a Sin for Lutherans? - A 3-minute breakdown provides a good starting point for a discussion of alcoholism.
Support Groups
Click the link below to sign up for a list of online support groups for you and those you counsel.
Screening and Health Resources
The A.U.D.I.T. - This confidential online screening can be taken by anyone. It will give you sound medical and psychological advice based on your score.
Rethinking Drinking - This website clearly explains when drinking becomes risky and offers suggestions and help to those that want to quit or cut down.
Finding Help
The NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator - Unlike many other resources you may find online, the Navigator has no commercial sponsors. Instead, it is produced by the leading U.S. agency for scientific research on alcohol and health, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).