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Over 4.5 Hours of Recovery Content from a Lutheran Perspective


Recovery Friendly Churches.

Phil Merten and Cynthia Scoggins discuss how churches can love addicts and their families. Hard-won experience and suggestions here.


Developing a Heart for Addictions.

Pastor Dan Solofra tells his own recovery journey—and how it made him a better pastor. Really gets to the spirit of Recovery from a Lutheran perspective.


Alcohol: Blessing or Curse?

Pastor Mark Jeske details Lutheran theology and Lutheran culture regarding drinking.

Chose one. Get them all.


Starting a Group

Learn from 4 people who have started Recovery groups from a Lutheran perspective.


What is Addiction?

Joshua Mears, Director of WLCFS, gives the history of the concept of addiction. He concludes by showing how Law and Gospel provide an excellent framework for understanding addiction.

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It was great retreat. With a donation of any size, you can get access to all 5 presentations.